Commercial Real Estate 101 

Underst和ing the Total Cost of Occupancy

在签订商业租约时,有许多因素会影响您的总成本. 随着时间的推移,了解入住的总成本对于预算和制定准确的财务预测都很重要, as well as for negotiation.

Recently, our Office Brokerage Group of 马特·格雷戈里, 安迪·达奇尔的距离菲利普鸟 一起工作 The Joseph Group to secure a new 办公室 space. The Joseph Group had outgrown its cur租金 space of roughly 5,500 square feet 和 sought a space that could accommodate its cur租金 needs, but would also facilitate the organization’s anticipated future growth. 然而, this came with a caveat, 约瑟夫集团不想租更多的空间,而不是立即可以使用. 知道了这一点, 办公室经纪集团能够协商一个拆除时间表或分级租金时间表,使其能够在租赁期间逐步增加其空间和租金, ensuring that it wasn’t paying for space it wasn’t yet utilizing.

The ability to negotiate creative terms such as this takedown schedule is the result of an underst和ing of the components of a commercial 办公室 lease 和 the impact those terms have on the total cost of occupancy; therefore, 我们认为我们应该仔细研究一下租约中可能影响租客成本的一些因素.

How is Rent Calculated?

使用楼宇业主及管理人员协会制定的计算平方英尺的标准, the following components are used to calculate a tenant’s base 租金.

Usable Square Footage (USF)


Load Factor or Common Area Factor

负荷系数或公共面积系数是衡量建筑物内共享空间的指标. 这是通过首先确定公共面积的总平方英尺,然后确定公共面积占总平方英尺的百分比来计算的. This is then divided among tenants according to their pro-rata share.

当您将USF与负载因子结合起来时,您就得到了可出租的总平方英尺. This is then multiplied by the 租金al rate 和 determines the base 租金.

Underst和ing 租赁 Types

There are a variety of lease types, 和 each is structured diffe租金ly. 了解租赁类型是了解总体成本的基础.

Net 租赁 (Triple Net 租赁)

净租赁, 也被称为三净租赁(NNN),最常用于办公室租赁,其结构是租户支付基本租金,但也负责按比例分担运营费用. What is important to consider in terms of the total cost of occupancy, 承租人是否要对这些费用的相关风险负责因为占用总是涉及某种形式的可变费用. For example, snow removal. 如果有一年降雪量高于平均水平,那就意味着支出高于平均水平, that cost will be passed along to the tenant. 然而, if the operating expenses come in below what was estimated, that money is refunded to the tenant. Due to the tenant’s responsibility for operating expenses, 房东更有可能调整租金以与市场保持一致,这通常导致每平方英尺的价格低于总租赁价格.

Gross 租赁 (Full-Service)

在总租赁或全方位服务租赁中,所有运营费用都包含在租金中. 在这种情况下,风险由房东承担,这将带来更高的租金.

修改后的总 租赁


Percentage 租赁

最常用于零售业,租金率是根据房地销售额的百分比计算的. Typically, this includes a clause for minimum 租金.

Additional Rent, NNN & Common Area Maintenance (凸轮)

When reviewing lease terms, you may encounter any one of these phrases, 所有这些都暗指运营费用,但不一定可以互换. Common Area Maintenance or 凸轮 expenses, 通常不是包罗万象的,是NNN租赁的一个组成部分,还有保险和税收. 凸轮收费可能包括也可能不包括水电费或额外费用,如清洁服务. 如果您的租约包含凸轮费用或任何这些条款,请确保您了解所包含的内容. 另外, it is important to note the difference from Common Area Factor, which is a component of the equation used to determine base 租金. 公共区域维修费是与维护内部和外部公共空间以及建筑机械系统和其他资本项目相关的费用.

Rent Escalation

租赁s typically include a 租金 escalation clause. This is necessary to protect the 土地lord from the volatility of the market. 然而,在您的商业租赁中,有多种方式可以将升级因素考虑在内.


A fixed increase is a predetermined incremental change each year. It clearly states precisely how much 租金 will increase each year.

Fixed Percentage Increase

固定百分比增长是指租金每年以一个固定的百分比增长. 例如,在每平方英尺10美元的基础租金上增加3%,将增加到10美元.30 in the second year 和 to $10.61 the following year, 和 so on.

Inflation-based Increase

以通货膨胀为基础的增长是基于消费者价格指数,本质上说租金将根据市场的增长以特定的百分比增长. For this type of increase, 建议建立“分割”,为增长设定上限或下限.

Percentage Rent

A percentage 租金 increase is most common in 零售 leases. 这种类型的租金上涨条款规定了一个基本租金,然后加上一定比例的销售额.

Other Considerations

It’s important to remember that there are always unknowns with regard to cost, 和 opportunities to negotiate terms. Items such as tenant improvement costs, concessions such as free 租金, caps on management fees 和 other expenses, 和 even the tax benefits associated with leasing versus buying, all affect your total cost of occupancy. 重要的是要有一个熟悉你的财产类型的细微差别的代表,以便谈判对你的组织最有利的条款.
